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Student Usage Card

Current full time students who are under the age of 25 of Hong Kong Universities listed in the application form may apply for a Student Usage Card for a maximum period of 12 months. All applications are subject to approval by the Membership Committee of the Club. A usage card is valid from 1 October of one academic year until 30 September of the following year, at which point a student can reapply provided they continue to meet the stipulated requirements. ( application form)

Application Criteria

The applicant should provide a full summary of all sailing or rowing qualifications and experience to afford a maximum chance of success to the application. The minimum sailing requirement is that you have completed at least six races or logged 40 hours of sailing or cruising on a sailing vessel in the last six months; or for rowing, including paddle sports, the minimum requirement is that you have participated in at least two races or attended at least 18 organised rowing, including paddle sports sessions in the last six months. All qualifications and experience must be verified by the relevant university. The application must be endorsed by the relevant university’s sailing/rowing, including paddle sports authority before submission to the Membership Office.

Application Procedures

The Membership Committee will consider applications for a student usage card every month at their regular meetings. Copies of application forms will be circulated to the members of the Committee before the meeting and applicant's details will be posted in the Club for information of the general membership. The applicants may be asked to provide additional information and/or to attend an interview with the Membership Committee. After each meeting, the candidates whose applications have been considered at the meeting will be informed by post of the Committee's decision. Successful candidates will be given a student usage card, and will be charged the monthly subscription from the beginning of the same month. The Club reserves the right to reject an application in its sole discretion without giving any reason.

A ‘Student Usage Card’ holder may apply to be elected as a Junior or an Ordinary Member of the Club at any time or after holding the ‘Student Usage Card’. When applying for Junior or Ordinary Membership, all the normal application procedures for Junior or Ordinary Membership will apply, including payment of the normal Junior or Ordinary Membership entrance fee.

The Student Usage Card is valid from 1 October of one academic year until 30 September of the following year, at which point the applicant can apply for renewal. For any renewal, a fresh application with the relevant endorsement by the university will be required to be submitted to the Membership Committee for consideration.


There is no joining fee required for this card but a monthly subscription of $210 will be levied in advance.

Requirement for Autopay

The Club requires all new members to pay their monthly accounts by means of an autopay arrangement with their bank. A direct debit authorisation must accompany an application for membership. The direct debit authorisation will be processed upon a membership application being approved by the Membership Committee. In an application for membership is withdrawn or not approved by the Membership Committee, the direct debit authorisation will be returned to the applicant.

Payment for Club Services

The Student Usage Card program will allow the holder access to the Club and use of the Club's facilities. He/She must carry it when visiting the Club. When purchasing food and beverage and paying for the Club facilities, the holder must present their valid ‘Student Usage Card’ and use an Octopus Card for payment.


Access under the Student Usage Card is strictly for the user only and no guests may be brought to the Club at any time.