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RHKYC Sustainability Vision and Principles


Consistent with its mission to be a premier international yachting and rowing club of which our Members can be proud, Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club (the Club or RHKYC) has adopted a Sustainability Policy to reinforce its commitment to sustainability and serve as a roadmap for cultivating and operating a healthier, more sustainable yachting and rowing community.

In support of this Policy, the Club commits to developing relevant programmes, action plans, objectives and metrics, which will be reviewed on a regular basis for implementation, relevance and progress.

At Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club, we are committed to continually understanding and minimising the impact of our activities on the environment and to protecting and enhancing the marine and coastal environment for the enjoyment of all. We aim to foster a culture of environmental stewardship and lead by example.

On this basis, we commit to undertake the following:

  1. Identify, manage and work to minimise our environmental and climate change impacts and integrate sustainability considerations into decision-making processes at all levels of the Club’s operations and management.
  2. Work with our partners and other stakeholders to minimise environmental and climate change impacts and encourage them to act in a more sustainable manner.
  3. Operate and manage sailing and rowing events in accordance with recognised best practices aimed at reducing impacts on the marine environment and restoring ocean health, including, for example, the Sailors for the Sea Clean Regatta programme.
  4. Educate and engage our members and staff on environmental and sustainability issues and to minimise their impacts on the environment.
  5. Establish data collection systems to enable us to monitor, report and manage our environmental impacts and set appropriate KPIs for their reduction and where possible avoidance.
  6. Actively encourage and support new approaches and technologies that are aimed to reduce environmental impacts, improve sustainability and optimise the management and value of the Club.
  7. Communicate and share best practices and experiences with the local and international yacht clubs and water sports organisations and help bring about positive change.
  8. Establish governance systems, including a Sustainability Sub-committee, necessary to implement this Policy and achieve its objectives.


To meet the Club’s Sustainability Policy a management framework is required to ensure that sustainability programmes and initiatives are managed and maintained over and beyond the regular Committee replacement cycles and changes in personnel.


The Club aims to manage and reduce its impact on the environment and related communities by developing initiatives based on the following principles.

  1. Limit carbon emissions by reducing electricity consumption through monitoring and reporting on usage and through investment in energy efficient technologies for both operations and transportation, and by investing in renewable energy sources.
  2. Control and limit waste generated in all aspects of operations and reduce (and eventually eliminate) the use of single-use plastics.
  3. Increase recycling and reuse of waste generated in operations and quality of waste recycled.
  4. Raise awareness of sustainability issues among the Club’s members and staff and integrate sustainability considerations into training programmes and decision-making by all stakeholders.
  5. Develop partnerships with not-for-profit organisations and academia focussed on sustainability issues.Commit suppliers to engaging in principles 1 to 3 through focused purchasing decisions.
  6. Commit suppliers to engaging in principles 1 to 3 through focused purchasing decisions.
  7. Commit the Club to sourcing products that are ethically and sustainably produced.
  8. Increase the Club’s profile in Hong Kong and Internationally as a leader in sustainability initiatives.
  9. In order to develop these programmes a baseline of the Club’s current position and performance must be established by June 2020.


Based on the principles set out above, the Club aims to achieve the following goals by 2024. Percentage targets are relative to baselines for the financial year ended 30 June 2020.

  1. The Sustainability Sub-committee will review and report on the Club’s progress towards these goals, and the goals themselves, every six months and review the implementation progress and targets as necessary.
  2. Reduction in overall electricity consumption on 2019 baseline; a proportion of electricity used coming from renewable energy sources.
  3. Establishment of a fund dedicated for funding sustainability projects for the Club.
  4. Reduction in waste going to landfill.
  5. Increase in the recycling of wastes.
  6. Reduction in paper usage, water usage, and single use plastic.
  7. Increase in participation (by headcount) in sustainability related activities.
  8. Implementation of mandatory sustainability training for all staff.

Endorsed by General Committee on 26 March 2020