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Individual (Personal) Membership

For Ordinary / Short Term / Junior Members

The applicant should provide a full summary of all Sailing/Rowing (including paddle sports) qualifications and experience are given to afford a maximum chance of success to the application. Failure to provide this information may result in an application being rejected by the Membership Committee in which case the application deposit will be forfeited (except for Short Term Members).

For Short Term Members, other than details of Sailing/Rowing (including paddle sports) qualifications and experience, a proven track record of experience in sailing or rowing (including paddle sports) must be attached with the application plus written confirmation from the applicant's employer, or other person satisfactory to the Membership Committee, regarding the duration of employment.

An applicant must be proposed and seconded by two Life or Full Members who must have been Full Members for at least 3 and 2 years respectively and to whom the candidate must be personally known. These Life or Full Members may not have more than 5 applications in process at any one time. A Cadet Member sponsored by a Member must be sponsored by a Life, Full or Ordinary Member. The sponsor shall undertake to guarantee all monies which may at times be due from the Sponsored Cadet to the Club.

Letters of recommendation or verification from other Clubs or Associations are helpful and should be attached to the Application Form. Any relevant information, which becomes available after the form is submitted, should also be given to the Membership Office. Any letters of support from the Proposer/Seconder (or other Members), containing information relative to the applicant's sailing/rowing (including paddle sports) activities, should also be submitted to the Membership Office, (e.g. regular crewing aboard a Member's boat; purchase of or intention to purchase a boat - document must be shown to verify intention to purchase; attendance of sailing/rowing course or similar; assistance in organisation of races or Club events, etc).

For current or former cadet members who wish to convert their membership from cadet to junior, the applicant should have at least on 4 occasions participated in any sailing and/or rowing (including paddle sports) activity (excluding sailing or rowing training courses) within 12 months prior to the application.  For rowing (including paddle sports) activity that must be organised by the Club; and is able to demonstrate an active and continuing commitment to the sport on or off the water.

Novice, navigation and other sailing courses run by the Club are open to non-Members, although priority is given to existing Members. Applicants for Ordinary and Junior Membership who have no, or very little, sailing/rowing experience or have not yet participated in any of the Club or other sailing/rowing activities, are encouraged to join these courses in order to improve their chance of gaining admission to the Club. However, joining sailing and rowing training courses goes some way towards demonstrating interest in sailing or rowing but doing so does not count as having acquired sailing or rowing experience. Alternatively, applicants may consider the Club's Corporate Nominee Membership where sailing/rowing criteria are not required to be met.

Please note the above is not a definitive list of entry criteria, the Proposer and Seconder are required to complete a confidential questionnaire and may be required to attend a Membership Committee meeting prior to the application being progressed further.

In considering applications for Ordinary Membership, the Membership Committee takes into account all factors that support the applicant’s bona fide interest in the Club’s water sports activities. These factors may include the applicant’s lifetime rowing (including paddle sports) and sailing history, boat ownership, volunteer activities and training courses. An application based on sailing should contain details about the type of sailing, roles on board, training, and goals after joining the Club. Priority will be given to applicants who have engaged in racing, race management, volunteer duties and other activities that reflect an interest in becoming an active member of the Club community. Statements by the applicant’s proposer and seconder are given considerable weight and should contain similar details.

The criteria and guidelines set out below are a starting point for the Committee’s consideration of an application but are not by themselves necessarily sufficient for approval.

Criteria / Guidelines*


Membership Waiting List Ranking

Applicants with distinguished sailing/rowing (including paddle sports) achievement or record who are able to demonstrate an active and continuing commitment to the sport on or off the water.

Immediate granted Ordinary Membership status


Those applicants who have extensive sailing/rowing (including paddle sports) experience over a number of years and are able to demonstrate they have made a sustained active commitment to the sport on or off the water.

First priority in waiting list


Those applicants who:

(1)(a) have completed and logged at least 60 hours of regular sailing (preferably including racing ) in the last 12 months prior to the date of application  or (b) participated in at least three rowing (including paddle sports) races and attended regularly at least 27 organised rowing (including paddle sports) sessions as organised by the Club  in the last 9 months prior to the date of application ;

[Participation in sailing or rowing (including paddle sports) beginner courses could be taken into consideration by the Membership Committee as one of the factors to demonstrate an applicant's commitment to the relevant sport, but the relevant hours involved in such beginner courses will be disregarded for the purpose of the objective criterion under paragraph (1).]


(2)are able to demonstrate an active and continuing commitment to the sport on or off the water.

Candidates can only be admitted when A2 list is cleared and vacancies are available


*Experience and activities outside Hong Kong will be taken into account for applicants who have recently arrived in Hong Kong or are actively engaged in the sport outside Hong Kong. However, in all cases, the applicant must be able to demonstrate a genuine intention to be actively committed to the sport in Hong Kong and/or to the RHKYC.

In order of Priority:-

  1. New applications for Ordinary Membership and for those successful candidates who are awarded an ‘A2’ ranking, when a membership vacancy arises, he/she will be admitted as an Ordinary Member according to his/her waiting list number; then
  2. New applications for Ordinary Membership and for those successful candidates who are awarded a ‘B’ ranking, successful candidates can only be admitted when ‘A2’ is cleared and membership vacancies are available

  • Existing Junior Members applying for Ordinary Membership, Spouse of Existing Members and successful candidates who are awarded an ‘A1” ranking, applying for Ordinary Membership could be admitted as Ordinary Members once Membership Committee approved their applications; and they will not be counted as part of the 3,800 ceiling and hence will be granted immediate Ordinary Membership status.
  • When 2 successful candidates are graded/awarded the same priority/ranking, the one who holds the earlier waiting list number will be admitted first.


The minimum period of ordinary membership for an Ordinary Member to apply to become a Full Member is 3 years.


An applicant, must satisfy ALL of either the sailing criteria OR the rowing (including paddle sports) criteria in Part A and Part B as listed below; and the committee involvement criteria in Part C (unless the Membership Committee decides that this requirement may be satisfied in another way as set out below); and all the relevant information must be verified or endorsed by the respective authorized person as indicated on the form.

The list of the Club’s Appointed Committees, Working Groups, Class Association Officer and Committee members, Organising Committee of sailing/rowing, including paddle sports events, where the Club is either the Organising Authority or co-organiser with a National Sports Authority Charity Foundations and an External Organisation list can be viewed here.

An Ordinary Member who has been an Ordinary Member for more than 3 years may apply for full membership by completing the below Part A, Part B and Part C:



Sailing Section :

Participated in either organised racing or social cruising events at least 12 times per year during each of the most recent 2-year period, at least 50% of which must have taken place in Hong Kong waters.

Rowing Section :

Participated in at least 4 rowing (including paddle sports) races and attended at least 36 organised rowing (including paddle sports) sessions during the most recent 12-month period.





Sailing Section :

Performed race management duty or training or safety duty or other race support activity organised by the Club at least once per year in 3 out of the last 5 years.

Rowing Section :

Performed race management duty or training or safety duty etc organised by the Club at least 5 times during the most recent 12-month period.

Having served as a Mentor for oneIntroductory Scheme participant or for a child in the 'Sail-to-Change' programme may be treated as the equivalent of performing oneof the activities listed above under "Sailing Section" and "Rowing Section". Multiple credits may be given for mentoring multiple Introductory Scheme Participants.


Volunteer Duties

Assisted in sailing or rowing events or charity activities organised as recognised by the Club at least 4 times per year in 3 out of the last 5 years.



For both Sailing and Rowing Section :

Served for at least one annual term (or the full term within a year, if less than one year) during the most recent 5-year period:

  • on one of the Club’s appointed Committees, or
  • on one of the Club's appointed Working Groups, or
  • as a Club’s approved Class Association Officer or Class Committee Members duly appointed through their own constitution and electoral process, or
  • on the organizing Committee of any sailing/rowing events where the Club is either the Organising Authority or co-organiser with a National Sports Authority (such as the Sailing Federation of Hong Kong, China), or
  • on the Club charities such as the RHKYC Charity Foundation, or
  • holding an appointment to any external organisations promoting sailing/rowing development in Hong Kong thus providing either direct or indirect benefit to the Club. ( An approved list)

The applicant must have attended the relevant required scheduled meetings as validated by the recorded minutes and/or validated in writing by the respective Chairman or organisation.


Membership Committee may decide that an applicant can satisfy the Committee Involvement criteria in Part C by making a material contribution to the core sports and the Club in other ways. An applicant who wishes the Membership Committee to consider an application on this basis must submit to the Membership Office a written proposal setting out the contributions, which he or she would undertake to make to the Club over the next 12 months. An applicant should approach the chairman of an Appointed Committee or Working Group relevant to the nature of the contribution to check there are no objections to the proposal from the chairman’s perspective. The Membership Committee will then consider the proposal and may require the applicant to attend an interview. If the Membership Committee accepts the proposal, it will expect to be provided with a report endorsed by a relevant third party at the end of the 12 months period. The Membership Committee will consider the report as part of the application for full membership.

For Ordinary/Short Term/Junior applications, applicants with extensive sailing/rowing (including paddle sports) experience can expect to have their application approved within 2 to 6 weeks once all requirements have been met. Applicants with limited or no experience of sailing/rowing (including paddle sports) are encouraged to acquire such experience by joining the Club's sailing/rowing (including paddle sports) activities. Please contact the Club's Sailing/Rowing Office. Alternatively, applicants may consider the Club's Corporate Nominee Membership or Individual Debenture Membership where sailing/rowing criteria are not required.

Schedule of application submission deadlines and briefings as follows:

Date of Membership Committee Meeting / Application Submission Deadline / New Members' Briefing / Cocktail


Application Submission Deadline

Meeting New Members' Briefing
July 2024 20.06.2024 - 1700hrs 04.07.2024 17.10.2024
August 2024 18.07.2024 - 1700hrs 01.08.2024 17.10.2024
September 2024 22.08.2024 - 1700hrs 05.09.2024 17.10.2024
October 2024 19.09.2024 - 1700hrs 03.10.2024 17.10.2024
November 2024 24.10.2024 - 1700hrs 07.11.2024 21.02.2025
December 2024 19.11.2024 - 1700hrs 03.12.2024 21.02.2025
January 2025 24.12.2024 - 1200hrs 07.01.2025 21.02.2025
February 2025 23.01.2025 - 1700hrs 06.02.2025 21.02.2025
March 2025 20.02.2025 - 1700hrs 06.03.2025 20.06.2025
April 2025 19.03.2025 - 1700hrs 02.04.2025 20.06.2025
May 2025 23.04.2025 - 1700hrs 07.05.2025 20.06.2025
June 2025 22.05.2025 - 1700hrs 05.06.2025 20.06.2025

Current Entrance Fees are:

Ordinary Married Couple: $180,180
Short Term Married Couple: Nil
Ordinary Single: $120,120
Short Term Single: Nil
Spouse of a Member: $60,060
Junior: $3,465
Cadet Member sponsored by a Member: Nil
Individual Debenture:

$2,180,000 (last price)

Corporate Nominee: $2,600,000

An applicant shall pay an entrance fee at the rate applicable when he/she is admitted as a Member of the Club.

Entrance fees must be paid in full within one month of admittance as a Member of the Club. It is possible for Ordinary Members under 38 or over 60 years of age to apply to pay their entrance fee by instalments (interest free) with a 30% down payment and the balance to be paid over 47 months. For those under 38 years of age, the balance must be repaid before the Member’s 38th birthday, i.e:

Ordinary Single:

30% down payment: $36,040

Monthly Instalments: $1,790 per month x 46 months and last payment $1,740

Ordinary Married:

30% down payment: $54,050

Monthly Instalments: $2,685 per month x 46 months and last payment $2,620

A crossed cheque for the appropriate amount must be submitted with the application form:

Ordinary Married Couple: $2,000
Short Term Married Couple: $5,300
Ordinary Single: $2,000
Short Term Single: $4,100
Junior: $3,465
Individual Debenture: Nil
Corporate Nominee: Nil

Cheques must be drawn in favour of the "Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club". Except for a Short Term application, such payment is not refundable but, in the event of the application for membership being successful, such deposit shall be treated as part payment of the entrance fee. The deposit paid by a Short Term Member is refundable when he/she ceases to be a Member of the Club, after the deduction of all monies owed to the Club. For a Short Term Member who ceases to be a Member of the Club less than 12 months after joining, an administrative charge will be required, which is currently $1,000. In order to secure payments to the Club, a Short Term Member is also required to sign a blank credit card voucher when submitting an application.

Current Monthly Subscription are:

Ordinary Members: Short Term Members:
Married Couple: $1,765 Married Couple $2,650
Single: $1,365 Single: $2,050
Cadet: $210 Cadet: $315
Child: Nil Child Nil
Junior Members: Cadet Members sponsored by a Member:
$760 $210
Corporate Nominee Subscribers: Individual Debenture Members:
Married Couple: $1,765 Married Couple/ Single: $1,765
Single: $1,365 Cadet: $210
Cadet: $210 Child: Nil
Child: Nil

New Members elected during the course of a month is payable from the 1st day of the month in which he is elected/admitted as a Member.

Ordinary, Short Term Married Couple and Single Members and Individual Debenture Members are also required to pay a monthly building levy and a minimum food and beverage charges per account:

Current Monthly Building Levy and Minimum Food & Beverage Charges are:

Building Levy Minimum F&B Charge
Ordinary & Short Term Couple/ Individual Debenture $231 $570
Ordinary & Short Term Single $189 $570

The Minimum Food & Beverage Charge does not cover purchases of yacht stores or direct food sales, and may be waived if the member applies, in advance, to the accounts office by email: the event that he/she is travelling outside Hong Kong for a complete calendar month.

There is also an optional annual donation of $100 charged to members' accounts at Easter each year to help fund the RHKYC Charity Foundation’s work in the community. Members who wish to opt-out of this donation should contact the accounts office.

In addition to the monthly subscription, a Junior Member must pay a monthly instalment:

Age Instalment Age Instalment Age Instalment Age Instalment
18 $210 22 $410 26 $610 30 $810
19 $260 23 $460 27 $660 31 $860
20 $310 24 $510 28 $710
21 $360 25 $560 29 $760

Junior Members who have paid monthly instalments for a continuous period of at least 25 months at any time before their 32nd birthday can secure a ‘lock-in’ of the entrance fee for Ordinary Membership, which will then be equal to the fee that was effective on the date they were admitted as a Junior Member.

The monthly instalment counts as partial payment of the entrance fee for Ordinary Membership, but in the event, a Junior Member resigns before his/her 32nd birthday or fails to be admitted as an Ordinary Member, 100% of the instalments paid will be refunded.

The Club requires all new Members to pay their monthly accounts by means of an autopay arrangement with their bank. A direct debit authorisation must accompany an application for membership. The direct debit authorisation will be processed upon an application for membership being approved by the Membership Committee. In the event that an application for membership is withdrawn or not approved by the Membership Committee, the direct debit authorisation will be returned to the applicant.

( application form)