On behalf of the Club, the Commodore congratulated Mr Arnold Lunty who had been nominated to receive the Noel Croucher Award 2006 for his special contributions to sailing. The Commodore advised that for innumerable years now, Mr Arnold Lunty has been a 'backroom boy' in the organising committees of many of the Club's annual major racing events such as China Sea Race, China Coast Regatta, Hainan Race, Vietnam Race, Around the Island Race. For these, in addition to dispensing his invaluable advice and expertise in respect of ratings, racing rules and the planning of appropriate inshore race courses, he has willingly taken up the responsibility for drafting the requisite Notices of Race and Sailing Instructions for the events. Over the years, Mr Lunty has never failed to meet the deadlines required for their respective publication.
Mr Lunty has also been a very ardent and active supporter of the HK Cruiser Owners Association in relation to its role in (formerly) managing the issue of CHS/IRC ratings and the allocation of HKPN handicaps and, whilst many of our sailors may not totally agree with the numbers he and his colleagues may produce for the boats, he has been steadfast and consistent in his work for the Association for over twenty years.
In between the foregoing 'labours of love', Mr Lunty has provided a results service for Aberdeen Boat Club's cruiser racing and serves on the Racing Rules and Appeals Committee of the Hong Kong Sailing Federation (HKSF) where his contributions are usually of a direct, well-reasoned and commonsensical nature.
Mr Lunty has been a popular "Club character" on the local and Asian sailing scene, performing his navigational skills with much success on "Chopstix", "Intrigue", "Stella" and latterly, "Mandrake". He is well-known throughout the Asian circuit as a result and has become a bit of an icon in the sailing communities wherever he goes. He is a good ambassador for Hong Kong yachting and is well-deserving of the Noel Croucher Award.
The Commodore then presented the award to Mr Arnold Lunty